Accelerated Experiential
Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)
& The "Change Triangle"
Hear ... Don't Fear Anxiety and Shame

Anxiety and shame signal deeper feelings
Get to the core—what’s really going on.
Feel the sadness, fear, or anger underneath.
Then the anxiety and shame will ease up too.
You don’t have to feel the painful feelings alone..
Go Deeper. . .
Feeling our core emotions—especially in the presence of someone who cares about us—helps us move out of anxiety, shame, guilt, depression, addictive or distracting behaviors, and other defenses. Then we feel better.
You can watch a video about AEDP here.
Our ‘true self’ emerges
by fully experiencing
and processing
our emotions
in the presence
of a ‘true other.’
–Diana Fosha, PHD (AEDP Founder)
My Experience with AEDP
I have level 1 training in AEDP, having completed its immersion course. I have studied Emotions Education 101 and its train the trainer program. I participate in an AEDP therapy group to stay aware of my own inhibitory emotions and defenses and to help me process my core emotions.