Post Induction Therapy
for healing development trauma
Grow Now
You can feel more adult, less reactive.
What we did to survive may not help us thrive.
When we didn’t get what we needed growing up, we have issues as adults.
If we learn now what we didn’t learn then, life will be easier, relationships better.
We can seek out the affirmation, nurture, guidance, and limits that we never got—but always needed. Then we can be the caregivers for ourselves now that we needed then.
Go Deeper. . .
Maybe people abused or ignored us … or they were immature or broken themselves.
We learned we did not matter — So now we act entitled or enraged. Or we feel like victims.
Our “yes” and “no” were not honored — So we put up walls. Or let people trample us.
People lied, controlled, or denied our reality — So we manipulate to get our way. Or we don’t trust ourselves or others.
Others’ needs always won out. Ours didn’t matter — So we learned to do without.
Or to do everything ourselves. Or to depend too much on others. -
We did not learn to be responsible for our own needs and wants.
We don’t know how to depend on each other, and to support each other.
We may not take care of ourselves. -
We tried to be perfect or we acted out to survive — We still live in extremes.
It hurts us and others. It’s hard to be moderate.
An Overview of
Post Induction Therapy
Podcast – being
"Your Wise Adult Self"
My Experience with Pia Mellody’s Post Induction Therapy (PIT) for healing developmental trauma
This model expects therapists to do a 3-day Family of Origin Intensive as a client;
I found it transformative. I have completed the required experiential trainings (Healing Relational Trauma, Inner Child Work, and Feeling Reduction), participated in a consult group, prepared clients to do their intensives, and supported clients as they integrated their learning.